That was the last time I saw Nutella. All these years and not one spoonful. Sure, there have been other spreads in my life like peanut butter, tahini, cream cheese, horseradish, pesto, aioli... But something was missing. Until a few weeks ago. Central Market has this rice cake pop machine in the frozen food section. Those things smell and taste aweful BUT!!!!! Guess what they had to try it with?!?! NUTELLA! I made BJ try some and he agreed that it was spectacular.
So one day on my lunch break I went to CM and bought some. I took it back to work along with bite-sized real rice cakes to eat them with. It's my afternoon snack. Last week I told BJ that I got some and he got jealous so I brought it home. But its last day at work I shared some with my coworker Dave. We sat and enjoyed the snack. Dave asked me if Nutella was a brand, or if it belonged to a company. So I Googled it.
I know I've rambled on until now, but it was for a good reason. We learned that Nutella is made from the Ferrero company!!!! OF COURSE! The same company that makes Ferrero Rochers, those truffle-shaped hazelnut chocolates. My mom buys me a package of them every year for Christmas because they are my favorite. Well, one of my favorites. But ever since I tried it again at CM I thought it tasted like blended Ferrero Rochers. No, I don't have any idea how to pronounce it. But ever since then I have been thinking of ways to eat them together. That creamy goodness with those crunchy, chocolaty candies.
I decided on ice cream. Since I usually get a very large quantity of those candies for Christmas, I did have some still. I decided I would make Nutella ice cream with chopped Ferrero Rochers in it. Three of my favorite things (Nutella, Ferrero Rocher, and ice cream) meeting for the first time. Well, maybe not the first time, but the first time in my house. I'm so excited!
Here's the recipe I followed:
2/3 c Nutella
2/3 c sugar
1 c heavy cream
2 c milk (I used 2%)
6 chopped Ferrero Rochers

I started by awkwardly scooping out the Nutella. There's no good way to do it. With a plastic spoon and a dishwasher-safe measuring cup, because you'll definitely need to wash it good.

Then the sugar, cream, and milk. Whisk them together.

This is another awkward situation because the Nutella doesn't want to blend with the cold ingredients. But don't warm it up, it needs to be cold for the ice cream maker. Oh, I forgot to mention that the ice cream maker needs to sit in the freezer for at least 15 hours. That's if you're using the new cheater way of making ice cream like me. With my Kitchenaide mixer.

So after it's blended pour into the machine.
Churn for 20 minutes. While it's churning chop up the candies.

At 15 minutes pour in the candies. It might make the mixer sound like it's having a difficult time turning, but don't let it fool you. He's alright, just a little tired.

At this point the ice cream should look like a shake. Probably even a melted shake. It's okay. Just pour into a container and let it freeze.

I couldn't wait, so I ate the entire thing with my spatula!
(just kidding, but I did lick the bowl as clean as I could) I let it sit in some tupperware in the freezer for 4 hours.

It was really good. :)