Last year I found a recipe for Smores cookies. I have since made 14,000 batches!! Not really, but it feels like it. I love everything smores!!!! SO when I found this recipe I had to try it. It's so simple, I had everything I needed in my pantry already. Mostly because I'm always making smore cookies.
This is the link for the recipe
I changed it a little bit, here's what I did:
1/2 package of marshmallows
1 cup 2% milk
1.5 cup cream
10 single Dove milk chocolates
Handful of broken graham crackers
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Drizzle of hot fudge, but only lukewarm
Stir the milk, cream and marshmallows in a pot and heat on the stove. Stir a lot until the marshmallows are melted. I turned the fire off when I got down to the last few marshmallows. I don't like getting a ton of dishes dirty since BJ always washes them for me and I try to be courteous, but in this case I needed to get another bowl dirty. I transferred the mixture to large, metal bowl so it would cool faster. Stir the vanilla in, and keep stirring until it's cooler. Mine was still a little warm when I finally put it in the ice cream maker, but cool enough to touch.
Let it churn for 35 minutes. Since it's a warmer mixture it needs the extra time. I chopped up the chocolates while the ice cream maker was going since it was too loud to do anything else. When done, fold in the rest of the ingredients. Don't mix the fudge, just swirl it.
We had out first bowl after 3 hours (couldn't wait!), then the next night after it was really frozen. Each time was really good! It tastes like a very light, frozen, mushed smore. I think I'll have it again tomorrow night, and the next. Then it will be gone.
That's it down there. I didn't have the nice camera out, and didn't want to wait long to eat this. So BJ took a picture with the phone camera. See the chunks of chocolate and graham crackers?!?!

Yes, it's glowing. Because it's Heavenly... :)
I'm not a big fan of mixing the eggs into the ice cream mixture, so whenever I find a recipe that doesn't call for eggs, I go for it! I have to say I would use the marshmallow mixture for the base of other ice creams. Possible for ice cream cake. I think it would "stick" better to the cake. It's super creamy, but light at the same time. And really easy to make. Just try not to think about the number of marshmallows you're eating at once. It will blow your mind and make you want to throw it away. Almost. No, not really at all. Just split it with someone! I did. But I think I still ate most of it...